What Is Vaccine Titre Testing For Dogs? Is It Worthwhile?

When Is Titre Testing For Dogs Better Than Vaccination? [easy-social-share] There is no doubt that the vaccination of our dogs has markedly improved their health and welfare leading to prolonged lifespans. However, there are many who are now saying that we have cause for concern and should in fact be limiting vaccination and instead, titre [...]

Should I Get Pet Insurance For My Dog Or Cat?

Should I Get Pet Insurance For My Pet [easy-social-share] "Should I get pet insurance?" is one of the most common questions veterinarians get asked. Because insurance is a significant amount of money to outlay, it is wise to understand what pet insurance covers and the financial implications of what not taking insurance out means. In [...]

Hip Dysplasia In Dogs: What Is It & How Do We Treat It?

Hip Dysplasia In Dogs: What Is It & How Do We Treat It?[easy-social-share]Hip dysplasia in dogs is one of the most common arthritic conditions that dogs suffer from.Many owners express worry about their dog's sore hips, especially when they may struggle to exercise and get up from a sitting or lying down position.In this article, [...]

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